


Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge

Since 2010, the International Association of Gourmet Master Chefs & Hospitality Executives successfully organized the Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge, attracting elite master chefs, judges, and participants all around the world, with a total number exceeding 3,500 individuals. The grand finale of the Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge 2019 held in Beijing was honored to be served as one of the official celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

中國總決賽 媒體報導掀起千萬點擊率


China Grand Finale Media Coverage Generates Millions of Views

In 2023, we co-hosted the Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge 2023 China Grand Finale with the Dongguan Government, Hengli Government, and Tao Heung Group. The competition drew extensive media attention, with reports from mainstream outlets such as People's Daily, Phoenix News, Southern Metropolis Daily, Dongguan TV, and Guangdong TV. The reported videos totaled over 5 million views on platforms like the Dongguan Daily, and the Dongguan Daily's Douyin account exceeded 3 million views. According to statistics from the Hengli Government's convergence media center, the total online viewership of the texts, videos, and live streams exceeded 10 million!


2024年10月22日,本會將與Impact Exhibition Management Co., Ltd.,以及Lenôtre Culinary Arts School Thailand、Blue Elephant Cooking School & Restaurant、Novotel Bangkok Impact、米芝蓮食府廚魔名人坊、稻香集團、稻香中菜廚藝學院、新加坡國際餐飲及商務協會、北京中瑞酒店管理學院等機構,於泰國共同舉辦「環球廚神.國際挑戰賽2024」泰國總決賽。

Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge 2024.Grand Finale in Thailand

On October 22, 2024, our association will jointly host the Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge 2024 Grand Finale in Thailand, with Impact Exhibition Management Co., Ltd., as well as Lenôtre Culinary Arts School Thailand, Blue Elephant Cooking School & Restaurant, Novotel Bangkok Impact, Michelin-starred The Demon Celebrity Restaurant, Tao Heung Group, Tao Heung Chinese Culinary Institute, SG Food and Business International Association and Beijing Hospitality Institute.



Focusing on the Intense Competition among the World's Top Chefs

The competition features hospitality student, professional chef, and grand master chef categories. Additionally, a special “The Celebrity & Master Chef Global Challenge” has been introduced to draw more media attention to the entire event. The organizers will invite elite chefs, hospitality and culinary students, as well as celebrity chefs from Thailand, China, USA, Switzerland, Finland, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Chinese Taipei, and Hong Kong to compete for the World Champion title and the “Gourmet Master Chefs.Flying Dragon Trophy”.



《環球Gourmet》The Authoritative Magazine Leading Culinary Trends

《環球Gourmet》magazine was launched in Hong Kong in 2004, focusing on food and travel, and quickly became an industry leader. The magazine is distributed for free to hundreds of restaurant chains across Hong Kong, and is also directly delivered to the management teams of F&B suppliers, associations, hotels, and catering groups, boasting over 40,000 readers.《環球Gourmet》has won the “GOURMAND World's Best Food Magazine” award for the Hong Kong region in both 2011 and 2014, a testament to its excellence in reporting on international cuisine, culinary trends, and curated recipes. In July 2023, 《環球Gourmet》105th issue was relaunched in a brand-new, dazzling format. The 106th special issue is set to be unveiled at the press conference for the Gourmet Master Chefs.Global Challenge 2024.Thailand Grand Finale in Bangkok, where it will share major information about this global event. As a leader in the global catering industry,《環球Gourmet》will continue to lead new trends and present even more spectacular culinary feasts for its readers.

「環球廚神」實力堅強 勇奪多項國際大獎

是次比賽由「環球廚神(國際)餐飲管理有限公司」(前身為美味傳訊)擔任執行機構,自2006年起出版多本專業食譜及書籍,獲獎無數,得到全球餐飲界廣泛認同。2009年首度以《香港名廚點將錄 2》參展即勇奪「最佳專業食譜.全球第三名」;2014年受香港政府委託,出版全港唯一的官方餐飲歷史書《老港滋味》,勇奪THE GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS 2014年度THE BEST CULINARY HISTORY BOOK世界冠軍!2016年再接再厲,聯同世界多位名廚攜手出版《環球廚神.世界慈善名廚點將錄》,勇奪2016年度THE BEST FUND RAISING BOOK亞洲冠軍,並為香港保良局總共籌得港幣$294,147.6。成為全港於THE GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS獲獎最多的香港出版商,為港增光!

Gourmet Master Chefs – A Powerhouse Winning Multiple International Awards

The Gourmet Master Chefs (International) Management Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Deli Communications) is the executing agency behind this competition. Since 2006, the company has published numerous professional cookbooks and books, winning countless awards and gaining widespread recognition in the global catering industry. In 2009, the very first entry, “Hong Kong Master Chefs Professional Cookbook 2”, immediately won the “Best Professional Cookbook - 3rd in the World” award. In 2014, commissioned by the Hong Kong government, to published the only official catering history book “The Taste of Old Hong Kong”, which went on to win the GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS 2014 title of THE BEST CULINARY HISTORY BOOK in the world. In 2016 we collaborated with renowned chefs worldwide to publish “Gourmet Master Chefs.Charity Chefs Professional Cookbook”, which won the BEST FUND RAISING BOOK in Asia and raised HK$294,147.6 for the Po Leung Kuk charity in Hong Kong. This solidifies our position as the Hong Kong publisher with the most awards from THE GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS, bringing great honor to the city.